$245.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Build It Workshop Series: All 5 Phases

Finally, a way to build your marketing campaigns with a professional without paying a full time salary!

What you get:

  • ALL 5 BUILD IT Phases each delivered online for 2 hours LIVE.
  • Access To Bryan Hatch who has built marketing campaigns for some of the best.
  • Detailed homework to prepare for your training.
  • BONUS 1: The Ultimate Guide To Your Audience & Message
  • BONUS 2: The Anatomy of an Email

*Setting up the software platforms you choose is not part of the workshops. 

**Buy risk-free knowing you have a 7-day money back guarantee.

Our Next BUILD IT: Sales & Checkout Phase Begins Wednesday at 10:00am Pacific

Our Next BUILD IT: Opt-In Phase Begins Tuesday at 2:00pm Pacific

Our Next BUILD IT: Lead Magnet Phase Begins Wednesday at 1:30pm Pacific

Our Next BUILD IT: Ads & Traffic Phase Begins Thursday at 2:30pm Pacific

Our Next BUILD IT: Email & Automation Phase Begins Monday at 12:00pm Pacific


What People Are Saying:

I can honestly say that without AutomateBIG we would not have a Business. When we decide to launch the online course, we did not have any plan on how we were going to attract customers to our business. AutomateBIG was able to quickly understand the scope of what we were trying to do and created the proper finals to organize the back end of everything that we wanted.

Justin Arrington

When we were preparing for the launch of our app, we reached out to Bryan and his team for their expertise. To say they were a Godsend would be an understatement. With his concentrated marketing efforts, our app launch far exceeded expectations, with over 25,000 downloads the first day! They have supported all of our automation needs – from email campaigns to text message promotions at our speaking engagements. He will be a lifelong friend and consultant for our company in all of our future ventures.

Chris Powell