Marketing Runs Deep: Episode 19

emails Feb 04, 2021

Hey everybody this is Bryan Hatch, Founder of AutomateBIG, and I wanted to jump into one of the things that comes up quickly when people learn a little more about my marketing background with email marketing, specifically.

"What should an email look like?" Now, if you're ever going to send an email out for your company or your business, your products or service, whatever it is, there are some best practices of email. I want to run through those and actually show you some examples as well, but first I want to show you what an email should look like.

You can imagine this without even seeing a visual. I want you to first think, no matter if you're a business, that you don't have a personality behind you. Like a Nike, you're a brand, people understand, or at least your customers understand that you're a brand. You're not a human being or a personality behind your brand. On the other side of the fence, even if you are a personal brand that people recognize, the face of the company,...

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Marketing Runs Deep: Episode 18

campaigns Jul 14, 2020

Hello, this Bryan Hatch, Founder of AutomateBIG and I want to jump into another episode of Marketing Runs Deep, Frequently Asked Questions Sessions.

You see when I'm out there talking to people and people are asking me "What the heck do you do? What is AutomateBIG all about?" I get the same few questions and I want to make sure that I explain that to you. One of the questions I get asked most often is like "Oh, okay, you're the funnel guy, you do marketing campaigns. So, what's the best one? What's the most profitable one for me?" And I love that question. But it also depends on the kind of business you have. So there is an answer, but I want to break this down into the three quick segments.

There are online trainings, info products that people can buy and consume online. There are service-based businesses like we are a service-based business in some part of our organization, where if you come to us and say "I want you to do this for me", then we are services to you, but it's still...

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Marketing Runs Deep: Episode 17

ads Jul 07, 2020

Hey, everyone, this is Bryan Hatch, founder of AutomateBIG, and I want to jump to another episode of Marketing Runs Deep, and talk to you about some of the frequently asked questions that I get as I'm out and about. When I'm telling people what we do here at AutomateBIG, one of those is how can I run ads by myself, for myself, for my thing, and that's a great question. There's a lot of people that want to go into the nuts and bolts and all the details and figure out all the cool things like an agency would, or someone that's going to run your ads should, but when you want to just get some things moving, and you want to understand how that works, it shouldn't be that complicated, and so I want to teach you today, how to run ads on Facebook/Instagram and on Google AdWords.

Now, the keyword being very simple. I'm showing you simple ways of how to get things done because you shouldn't be scared of getting something out there. Even on your organic side, if you're gonna post a cool video...

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Marketing Runs Deep: Episode 16

sales Jun 23, 2020

Hi everyone, this is Bryan Hatch, founder of AutomateBIG and I want to jump into another episode here of Marketing Runs Deep. I specifically wanted to go over my FAQ sessions. So this is one of the things that I get a lot when I'm going about and talking to different people, telling people what we do here at AutomateBIG. People always ask me a similar set of questions. One of those being, "Look, Bryan, should I offer something high price or should I offer something low price? What's the best strategy?" I talk with and work with, and we work with a lot of people that are selling informational products online. Online training, something that you can purchase and consume online. We help people with service-based businesses where they need it. Maybe what I'm doing as well is actually helping our clients. We need to take time. We do the service base, what we do, and then we also help other people that have products.

Typically those first two are the ones that I get this question most...

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Marketing Runs Deep: Episode 15

ads Jun 17, 2020

Hey, everybody. This is Bryan Hatch, founder of AutomateBIG. I want to jump into another episode of Marketing Runs Deep, and I want to talk about something that has really changed my life. You see, when I was early on in the marketing industry, I was in the automation space, learning email marketing, learning how to build opt-in pages, and get conversions, and take care of all the fun things behind the scenes that a lot of people need in their business but don't really want to have to deal with in their business. When I left and started doing my own thing, and teaching and training and helping other people to basically scale up in this space of marketing automation, I fell in love with advertising.

Advertising is something that every business, in my opinion, needs to do. Now, I recognize that there are people that are doing great things, that have a great network, that are working manually and calling people on the phone, talking to people physically, and I commend every effort...

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Marketing Runs Deep: Episode 14

email automation Jun 09, 2020

Hey everybody, This is Bryan Hatch, founder of AutomateBIG and I want to jump into another episode of Marketing Runs Deep, on a topic that comes up all the time in businesses nowadays, because you can't avoid it. There's just no way to avoid what you can do. If you are avoiding it, you are missing out on such a massive opportunity for better results for your clients, better results for your customers and better revenue for your company.

What it comes down to is email and automation. Now I separate those out a little bit, email and automation. There's email automation, but there's automation independent of email. There's text message marketing, there's chatbot marketing. There are all kinds of fun stuff independent of emails, although email is still the basis of the crux. That's what I want to start first.

Some people think that email marketing is dead, and that is one of the notions that you just have to get out of your head because people still use email addresses. I do agree that...

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Marketing Runs Deep: Episode 13

opt-in page Jun 02, 2020

Hey everyone. This Bryan Hatch, founder of AutomateBIG and I'm excited to jump into another episode of Marketing Runs Deep because the topic we're going to be addressing today is something that comes up for every business. If you have any type of digital presence, any type of website, this must be a focus of your company. It's the opt-in page. An opt-in page is, simply put, a page you create that asks somebody for their name and their email, and you give them something in exchange. Now we've talked about, in different videos, the lead magnet, actually what you're going to give away, but this time I want to talk specifically about the opt-in page. Okay. It's very ubiquitous.

People use an opt-in page on pretty much every website out there in the world. They don't use it very well, but it's the contact us form. Everybody has one of those that seems like it says, if you have any questions, put your name and email address and what questions you have, hit submit. While that's not a...

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Marketing Runs Deep: Episode 12

audience May 26, 2020

Hey, this is Bryan Hatch, founder of AutomateBIG and I want to jump into another episode of Marketing Runs Deep. The principle that I want to talk about today, love him or hate him, I'm not talking any political, nothing like that. This is called the Trump Episode. The reason why I want to call it that is because there's one principle that you need to have in your business, and even if you think that I'm crazy, hear me out. It's called the Trump Principle. The Trump Principle is that that dude is so confident in himself, he thinks he walks on water and thinks that he is the best of the best of the best. At the heart of that, why don't you?

You, an entrepreneur or business owner, you are working to scale your business, to grow your business, and you look at other people and you say, "Well, he's super egotistical and he's a jerk". Okay. I'm not saying be a jerk. Hear me clearly, I'm not saying that in your business you should be a jerk. That is not what I'm saying. What I am saying is...

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Marketing Runs Deep: Episode 11

lead magnet May 19, 2020


Hey everybody, this is Bryan Hatch, founder of AutomateBIG and I wanted to jump into another episode of Marketing Runs Deep and teach you a little more about lead magnets.

I love the definition of lead magnet, because if you are trying to find leads for your business, and now I like to think of people as humans and not just numbers or things or objects, but still leads is a good description. If you have a magnet that's powerful enough, it should bring people to you that are attracted to a magnet. Now obviously with a magnet, if the wrong ends are facing, it should repel, right? So I love the idea of a lead magnet. This is what you're going to give in exchange for someone's name and email.

You are going to give something of value in your business that lets them learn something new, get something new, try something new, whatever the case is. That is so you can build your list. You've got to realize your lead magnet and this is one of the principles to do that. Principle number...

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Marketing Runs Deep: Episode 10

sales page May 19, 2020

Are you trying to create the best sales and checkout experience possible so you can increase your conversions and sell more of your product or service? Then jump in real quick and learn how to do that right now.

Hey everybody this from Bryan Hatch, CEO, and founder of AutomateBIG and welcome to another episode of Marketing Runs Deep, where we dive into the details of what matters in your marketing so that you can make revenue grow. One of the things that happen for every business is selling a product or service online and you need to have a sales and checkout page. That's what we're going to talk about today, your sales and your checkout page experience. No matter who you are, no matter what you're selling, if you need someone to be able to buy online, you need to know what needs to happen on that page so you get it right.

So many people build a sales page and wonder why it's not converting, or they're getting very, very small conversions. And they're like, "well, I don't know what...

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